Monday, July 25, 2011


We were in Grand Cayman on a mission trip during year 5! It was a beautiful place, but I was so weak (devil stopped me from doing the Lord's work). That month before, I had been in North Carolina - best summer of my life. I had grown so much in the Word and was so excited to teach. Daniel and I were "on the rocks" that trip because of my selfish nature. That hindered me from doing work and even speaking about the Bible. It was a God glorifying trip and ultimately changed people's lives. I am so thankful we went, but I was so dumb. I know this probably doesn't make sense to a lot of people, but ... we have made it through the good and bad times. Believe me. 

Year 5:
Grand Cayman Mission Trip: VBS, Disciple Now and Day Camp

5 more days! Picked up my dress today, bought pillows, picked up tablecloth, washed glasses and dishes, found music (finally!), new make-up, new clothes, quality time with my MOH, orders for rehearsal dinner and heading to bed! 

Can't wait to see Daniel's face when I walk down the isle on Saturday - SONG IS PERFECT

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