Sunday, August 21, 2011


You're right... it's a TURNIP (5 inches and 5 oz.) as Shelley would say, "very symmetrical". I love to surprise Daniel with new foods. This time I just told him rather than playing the guessing game. We're anxiously awaiting the doctor to tell us the gender.

I recently joined Pinterest and it's exactly that... you "pin" your "interest". Pinterest is a place to catalog things you love. WARNING: It's highly addictive. I have "pinned" some recipes, DIY projects, quotes, inspiration, but mostly kids. I could stay on there for hours. While looking through all the pictures and kid projects, I get really excited about the baby. Here are some pictures I have saved: 

Ahhhh... I love the kid stage.

You think I'm a little paranoid? 

RUF last Thursday - amazing. I'm going to write about it this week. It has been on my mind. Also, pray for First Presbyterian Church in Jackson. Ligon and his staff need your prayers. Sin is very deceitful.
Love you all. 

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