(might not be as cool as this kid)
Those are words I didn't think I would say this past June. After leaving my internship at First Presbyterian, I thought a diploma was unreachable. I remember going to the Keeler's house and being so worried about telling them "the news" and not completing my job. Mr. Harper Keeler was so quick to comfort me that night. He reassured me we would get the internship done. That was the first time I felt this would be okay. The internship was obviously the last thing on his and Mrs. Beth's minds. As I have said before, they were worried about my health, the baby's health and Daniel.
After leaving their house, I had hope about my education. I would finish my degree. I then had to tell my dad, who paid my out-of-state tuition. I talked to my advisor before even mentioning it to him. She thought I could take an incomplete for the summer semester and finish in the fall. That's exactly what happened. I was able to get an internship with Community Counseling Services. Not only did I get an internship, but a paid internship... in Starkville (1/2 mile from our apartment). UNBELIEVABLE. Daniel and I (and my parents) were all thrilled! I started on September 12 and finished TODAY!
540 hours piled into 2 binders
Dr. Taylor and Anna Brantley at spring commencement
Needless to say, the meeting went REALLY well! Dr. Taylor and I talked for an hour and a half about my 2 VERY DIFFERENT internships and what I learned. Both were great experiences! Daniel and I made many connections at First Pres and will return shortly! The church has reached out and helped us along this journey. I could not be more thankful for that opportunity. Community Counseling targeted a completely different group of people. In the beginning I was quick to judge- I'll admit. My attitude was, "Why don't these people get jobs? They're living off the government. Blah. Blah. Blah." My view slowly changed. I had to remind myself some people weren't given the same chances I was given. They weren't raised with educated parents. They didn't HAVE an education. They had children for more money, because someone told them it was okay. It's a vicious cycle. My eyes were opened to a new world. A world where money is viewed differently. Family is viewed differently. Values and morals are viewed differently. Unless someone wants to change, you can't force it. Lesson learned.
client at the elderly home- lookin' sharp
Robert, from Inverness, called me Mary Sims 1,000 times a day. I got used to my new name quickly.
Mr. Charles sings in a Motown band every Saturday night in Columbus
Mrs. Earnestine asked me at least 3 times a day, "Are you... Are you..." Yes mam, I am! "Oh well, good! Is it your first?" Yes mam. I'm young. "Oh wee. When is the date?" February 1st. "February? I had a girl in February. I had 2 girls, no boys." That was our conversation... at least 3 times a day. I miss her!
Miss Annie and Miss Ruby (program manager) playing Bingo. Miss Ruby taught me so much. She expected a lot from me. I'm going to miss Starkville Manor and Miss Ruby in the spring! She has a wonderful heart.
group in action
singing Christmas hymns
Remain faithful.
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